Friday 15 August 2008

Vietnam Gives Glitter the Boot

Gary Glitter is Great Britain's problem now.

Per the BBC, Vietnam authorities will deport the disgraced '70s glam rocker endorse to the United Kingdom on Tuesday as soon as he's released from jail after serving nearly three years for a child molestation conviction.

The 64-year-old Glitter, born Paul Francis Gadd, was found shamed in March 2006 of performing repugnant acts on two Vietnamese girls, aged 10 and 11, while residing in the coastal tourist town of Vung Tau.

He was subsequently sentenced to trey years in Thu Duc prison, simply saw his term reduced by trey months on appeal for good behaviour. A second appeal, however, for an even before release was denied.

Once he's out, Glitter will be driven to the airdrome and deposited on a flight to his home country, as required under Vietnamese law.

"My client will have to board a flight to London; his ticket has been bought by the authorities hither. After he lands in London, he's free to go wherever he wants," his lawyer Le Thanh Kinh told Reuters.

Not precisely. As a convicted sexual practice offender, upon arriving in London he'll be greeted by police force who volition interview him regarding where he intends to unrecorded and gather necessary information to financial aid local jurisprudence enforcement in arranging for the public's safety.

The "Do You Wanna Touch Me?" crooner was convicted of possessing kiddie porn in Britain back in 1999 and complete up expenditure four months in the slammer. After taking up residence in Cambodia, he was hounded out of the country by fry welfare activists.

For his part, Glitter gave an interview recently to Vietnam's Cong An Nhan Dan paper in which he expressed disinterest in returning to the U.K., instead fosterage the possibility of moving to Singapore or Hong Kong to relaunch his music career.

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