Monday 25 August 2008

Burning Q's: Why All the Midweek Movie Releases?

What's with movies chess opening up on Wednesdays? First Pineapple Express and now Tropic Thunder as well.

The release escort for Tropic Thunder in reality was changed before that of Pineapple Express.

According to Chad Hartigan of Exhibitor Relations, picture ticket gross revenue gradually sluggish down as August progresses. So the Thunder citizenry decided to open a few years earlier, to sell as many tickets as possible among the coveted teen-male crowd earlier they all started bearing back to school.

Then the Pineapple people found out what the Thunder people were planning. Like Thunder, Pineapple is aimed at the teen-male audience. But now it would ingest only basketball team days in theaters ahead Thunder moved in. So the Pineapple people, overly, moved back their particular date, Hartigan speculates, so that it could a few more years to itself.

Now, on to more of your Burning Q's!

Do you think that Britney Spears can ever really make a comeback?

Personally? Yes. She seems quite lucid and upright in her commercials for the VMAs. She has been hitting the gym. She has south Korean won visitations with her sons. She is working with Madonna, creating a video for the upcoming Sticky & Sweet tour. In fact, if you ask me�and you have�Britney's comeback has already begun.

Any idea how long The Simpsons will be on the air for? Are they exit to stop making episodes anytime soon?

Nope. Season 20 starts in September, and the demo has already been renewed for Season 21.

You never answer my questions! What's up with Carrie-Anne Moss these days? Will she be Trinity from The Matrix for the take a breather of her life?

All proper, already. She's currently cinematography something called Hanging Out Hooking Up Falling in Love, which, I am assuming, has a wardrobe that is not well-nigh as cool as Trinity's. Can I go now?

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